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Dec 29, 2021

Final Missive—Newsroom Confidential

These internal emails between “Bohemian” and “Pacific Sun” Editor Daedalus Howell and copy editor and writer Mark Fernquest were obtained through a Freedom of...
Oct 20, 2021

FOOD FOR THOUGHT Feeding those less fortunate than ourselves is an issue for our...

Into each life a little unbelievableness must fall. Here’s my story. Donating to charities has always been important to me. Actually, just giving to those...
Sep 29, 2021

Up in the Old Redwood Tree

Out on a limb in Outer Sebtown I was up on the platform in the old redwood tree the other afternoon, drinking a pickle-juice beer...
Sep 21, 2021

Pot Shots

Marijuana musings I’m a hippie survivalist. I came of age in the late ’70s/early ’80s, experimenting with weed and going to Grateful Dead shows while...
Sep 8, 2021

West County Magic

SebArts for the win I love Sebastopol. How could I not? I live a couple of miles from downtown, in a glass house in...
Aug 18, 2021

To a Desert Place: Return to Uranium Springs

Things aren’t always what they seem. Take the desert, for instance. Some people—most, perhaps—see it as ugly, barren and dangerous. But to me it...

The Best Place To Gather Memories To Last a Lifetime

Fort Cronkhite in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area I’m at that age where I wistfully recall the adventures of my youth, astounded at how...
Jul 28, 2021

Best Place To Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

Angel Island Usually, the Best of Everyday category is relegated to the stores, shops and businesses Marinites use on a regular basis. And I dig...