.Letters: Obama had no right to do the decent thing!

I was delighted to read Carlo Gardin’s letter [“DMV—a Model of Efficiency Until Illegals Took Over!” Dec. 5] in response to Patricia E. Branton [“What Kind of Man Are You? Call Ahead!” Nov. 28]. Her previous personal attack upon him was both hostile and uninformed regarding the issues of illegal immigration. Carlo is right to continue writing on this issue, to help people break through the political correctness that has all but stifled real debate on this issue.

President Obama has definitely overstepped his constitutional authority with his speech on Nov. 20, in which he shielded approximately 5,000,000 illegal immigrants from deportation. The U.S. Constitution clearly states that only the Congress has the authority to change naturalization law, as stated in Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 4 of the Constitution. Barack Obama has now definitely committed an impeachable offense. He has made at least three previous changes in immigration law using executive orders: his prosecutorial discretion order, the Dream Act order and the DACA order, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. Every one of these orders was an impeachable offense but his latest is the worst by far.

The Republicans in Congress now face their own dilemma. In public, at least, they are talking as if they will not impeach. Supposedly, they fear the backlash from the Hispanic vote in 2016, when their biggest goal, of course, is to win the White House while retaining control of both houses of Congress. If enough mainstream Americans rigorously attack what Obama has recently done, I wonder if the Republicans would overcome their fears, impeach Obama, and take their chances in 2016.

Are there any other disappointed liberals out there, besides myself, who believe that it is now time for America to launch a new political party? We need a party that will, among other things, follow the Constitution, care for the environment, reduce the military budget and care about the human needs of its own citizens. We need real campaign finance reform, the lack of which, is the underlying, chronic disease that has created continued, massive, illegal immigration into the United States in the first place.

Kenneth Kelzer, Novato

Pacific Sun
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