.Letter: ‘Glad that Simon’s not my neighbor …”

A toot of the horn

Nadia Silvershine’s letter of support for Dr. James Simon assumes facts not in evidence. While I don’t agree with the reprehensible and aggressive behavior by both parties in this road rage incident, Simon was not an innocent victim forced to defend himself. As Osenton waited at a green light, Simon chose to impatiently drive around Osenton’s car. Why not a quick toot of the horn to encourage Osenton to pay attention? Would it have been the end of the world if Simon had to wait through another cycle at the stoplight? After Osenton showed his hostility by following closely behind Simon, a dangerous game began, with both men participating. Simon kept braking, which antagonized an already enraged driver. That’s an aggressive, not a defensive, move.

Silvershine writes that Osenton was going to beat Simon or even murder him. What? There is absolutely no evidence suggesting that Osenton was going to physically assault Simon. Simon, on the other hand, had ample time to go into his home, call 911 and prepare to shoot his gun if Osenton broke into the home. Instead, Simon left the safety of his garage and home and went outside to confront Osenton and shot him twice. I agree that Osenton’s reaction to being cut off was over-the-top, as was Simon’s reaction to being tailgated. They both fueled the fire, but ultimately, it was Simon who took the most aggressive and violent stance. He deserves to be held accountable. None of this even takes into account that he has 50 guns at home. I’m certainly glad that Simon’s not my neighbor.

Nikki Silverstein

Pacific Sun
The Pacific Sun publishes every Wednesday, delivering 21,000 copies to 520 locations throughout Marin County.


  1. Perhaps you should educate yourself in the details and evidence of a case before you go writing about it like you have ANY idea about whats going on. If you had, perhaps you would not now be thought of as an ignorant fool, in line with the likes of the Food Babe.

    “There is absolutely no evidence suggesting that Osenton was going to physically assault Simon”

    In Dr. Simon’s first trial…you know, the one that the JUDGE DISMISSED, it came out that Osenton got out of his car and “came toward him [Dr. Simon] aggressively, saying, “I’m going to get you!’”

    I mean, I’m no exalted Food Babe-esq genius like yourself, but if that was happening to me, I would think that I was going to be physically harmed.

    “Simon, on the other hand, had ample time to go into his home, call 911 and prepare to shoot his gun if Osenton broke into the home.” FALSE

    Simon NEVER went into his house. If you google earth the address, you can see that the house is not attached to the garage. He and his wife were in a space they could not get out of because a crazy and irrational man was blocking their exit, threatening them with physical violence.

    “Instead, Simon left the safety of his garage and home and went outside to confront Osenton and shot him twice.”

    Here, again, you have it wrong. Court records show that the emblem from the hood of Osenton’s car was on the floor INSIDE the Simon’s garage. So, Osenton was inside the Simon’s garage, not allowing them to retreat to safety. The Garage door could not be closed. So, if you can’t retreat inside your home, or lock yourself into a safe place, and someone is coming at you vocalizing intention to harm you, you are supposed to let them, what…harm you? Dr. Simon tried to get the man to stop and leave him an his wife alone once they were trapped and unable to retreat. What kind of person keeps coming after a warning shot has been fired? An irrational man that cannot be trusted. I would have done the same thing if put in that same position.

    Oh, and the last time I checked, coming after someone with a vehicle is assault with a deadly weapon.

    The irony of the situation is that the lady you are attempting bash with this tasteless slanderous excuse of an article is far more educated in the details of the case than you.



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