.Home Sweet Home: Jennifer Bowman, Real Estate & TV

If it weren’t for Jennifer Bowman, I might not be here. Thanks to her (and her partner, Elliott Fink), my wife, Jane, and I found a house five minutes from downtown San Anselmo.

What do you do?

Find great homes for people like you, Jane, Violet and Pablo. I also host a lifestyle television show called The American Dream about what makes Marin a great place to call home.

Where do you live? Very recently, Bel Marin Keys and loving it.

How long have you lived in Marin? I was born at Marin General Hospital in 1971.

Where can we find you when you’re not at work?

On the water. I row competitively for Marin Rowing Association, and am the rear commodore of the Bel Marin Keys Yacht Club.

If you had to convince someone how awesome Marin is, where would you take them? I would have to say meet up in Mill Valley at Joe’s Tacos, drive up to Panoramic Highway for a bird’s eye view of the county from the crossroads, pop into Stinson Beach for a walk and lunch at Parkside, circle around Bolinas Lagoon up through Olema to Point Reyes and back through West Marin via Sir Francis Drake and back through San Anselmo (past your house!), then dine on 4th Street in San Rafael.

What’s one thing Marin is missing?

A bowling alley or an ice skating rink (we had both when I was growing up here).

What’s one bit of advice you’d share with your fellow Marinites?

Turn off the GPS, and get lost in the beauty of Marin.

If you could invite anyone to a special dinner, who would you invite?

All my grammar school teachers!

What’s some advice you wish you knew 20 years ago? The greatest wealth is found in surrounding yourself with people who you love unconditionally and who love you for who you authentically are.

What’s something that 20 years from now will seem cringeworthy?

White quartz.

Big question. What’s one thing you’d do to change the world?

Require every young adult to work for six months in the service industry serving others.

Keep up with Bowman at @ jennbowmangroup on Instagram and at


Nish Nadaraja was on the founding team at Yelp, serves on the San Anselmo Arts Commission and still loves his house.


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