.Letters to the Editor: Elders and Chronic Wars

Respect Elders

So many cultures revere their elders; they are held in the highest regard, protected and cared for by society. I value our elected officials who take this same approach. Leaders like our District Attorney Jill Ravitch, who has consistently proven her passion for protecting seniors by prosecuting those despicable people who abuse them. She even opened the Family Justice Center of County County so that seniors who have been victimized have a safe and supportive place to go to get all of the vital services they need to not only get justice, but start to heal. Contrast that with a local developer whose company left frail, vulnerable seniors to die as the Tubbs fire roared toward their assisted living facility … and then was so angry that our DA held him accountable that he is trying to recall her. To me there is only one choice in this recall election. Please join me in voting no on this revenge recall.

Marcie Call

Santa Rosa

Chronic War

I strongly oppose the United States’ chronic involvement in wars all over the world. The use of violence and wars have definitely failed to bring any semblance of lasting peace and happiness to the human race. So if we Americans sincerely want to become a positive force in international relations, our nation must search for more sane and humane alternatives to fighting and killing as our way of resolving conflicts and disagreements with other nations. The United States government argues that other nations or groups of people are doing wrong things and so must be stopped with force. Yet our government’s use of military invasions only convinces those other nations that they must practice even greater violence to protect themselves from us. It must be obvious that saving humankind from the constant suffering and hell of future wars requires something better and more intelligent than fighting with other nations to see who can practice the greatest violence.

Rama Kumar


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