.Letters to the Editor: Bad Ads and Goodbyes

Bad Ads

I was extremely dismayed by your—twice now—publishing full-page ads for toxic, addictive cigarettes, a product that if used as directed will kill the consumer; peddled by giant corporate death machines pushing a disinformation campaign for decades—a model copied by oil companies in denying dangerous pollution and climate catastrophe.

Aside from my chemical-sensitive health condition which results in severe headaches and lung distress when exposed to second-hand smoke, I would have thought better than this from the Bohemian, a liberal-to-progressive paper that I have written for and advertised in. I fully expected, in the spirit of full disclosure and fair airing of opposing viewpoints, to see at least one letter to the editor complaining about these ads, which, frankly, were shocking to me and my friends.

And one more thing: I am very incredulous at an editorial explanation that seems ingenuous—that it is up to the owners and not the editors as to what goes into the paper. Don’t your advertising editors have any say?

As a friend—who wrote that she will never advertise in the Bohemian again if a second ad appears, and it did—suggested, a fundraiser could be produced during these understandably hard times, instead of our beloved Bohemian going over to the dark side. I predict a loss of readership, revenue and respect if this trend continues.

Barry Barnett, Left Coast of the US Empire

Good Bye

I first heard Michael Krasny on the old radio station KTIM which was out of San Rafael.  Of course it no longer exists.  He was a hip, cool radio DJ who played rock and roll and other types of obscure music.  We’re talking the late 70’s or 80’s. I called into the station to win a vinyl record and Michael, in his smooth, laid back voice answered. It was thrilling to speak to him.

Fast forward some years later, I discovered him on KQED as a hip, but a much more refined gentleman. I was hooked again and listened intently and religiously as if attending a College of Marin lecture. Everything has been said about this outstanding talent and humanitarian much more eloquently than I could articulate. So after 28 years of listening, I am going to miss Michael Krasny, this unsurpassed educator and icon. The one thing I have in common with him is a seeking mind, a love of my work, and the same year we retired. 

Thank you Michael for all the grand memories!

Nan Cantua, Via email

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