.Letters to the Editor

Trump better watch out, Sheldon’s harassment of male coworkers, and apples rotting.

Bad Things

Failed wannabe Fuhrer Donald Trump made a thinly veiled, mafia-esque death threat against U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley during a Sept. 21, 2021, interview with the ridiculous AM Radio reject Glenn Beck: “And bad things should happen to him.”

Let me make this clear for right-wing Republican readers. Clear enough so that even the psychotically selfish simpletons of the treasonous Trump Crime Family can comprehend. (I’m talking to you, Eric Trump. Stop eating paste, Eric. Specifically, stop eating horse paste, you pasty putz!) Beware. If anything “bad” should happen to General Milley, as deranged Donald Trump suggests should happen, expect complete payback to occur quickly. In fact, should anything “bad” happen to General Mark Milley, Colin Powell’s doctrine of overwhelming force will come down on Moron-a-Lago like a ton of TNT! Believe me.

The American military protects its own; it does not defend racist Russian puppets, nor does it support generations of anti-American, greedy grifters like the Trump traitors. America prevails, and Russia fails.

Jake Pickering


Lowell Sheldon

Thank you for including that he was abusive toward male staff as well. It would be refreshing to see a news story on behalf of his male victims. I can’t help but wonder if he did so in front of female staff as an attempt to impress them.

Joe Manthey


Big Nuisance

Aaaah … fall in West County, where tons of apples rot on the ground every year. 

Neil Davis


music in the park, psychedelic furs
Pacific Sun E-edition Pacific Sun E-edition