
music in the park, psychedelic furs

Property Claims

The letter “Busy Bodies” (Letters, Jan. 23) makes the usual unsubstantiated claims about the San Geronimo golf course property. The fact is that we could have had golf at San Geronimo until 2022, and possibly longer, but the county was under a court order to stop the purchase of the property due to a frivolous lawsuit brought by Niz Brown and her Pitchfork Gang. Now there is no more golf, and we lost over $3.5 million in state grants toward the purchase of the property.

The writer also falsely claims that our supervisor closed Drakes Bay oyster farm, when we all know it was actually shut down by Obama’s Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar. And the restoration of Lagunitas Creek to save the salmon is not futile; they are back in numbers better than before. There was never a plan by the county to “re-wild” the property, and a public park would be a much better fire break than a golf course. When the golf course closed, it was operating at a loss of over $186,000, even with a taxpayer subsidy of $140,000 a year and $6,000 a month.

The residents of the San Geronimo Valley do not have a county park, and this property will make a great place for the public to relax and enjoy the great outdoors. Now that the golf course is closed, I urge all residents of Marin to hike, bike or walk your dog on this beautiful piece of land that the supervisors worked so hard to purchase for us with Measure A park funds. If the supervisors hadn’t bought the place, it would have fallen into private hands which would have closed it to the public and ended golf.

I hope that the Trust for Public Land (TPL) and the supervisors can still work out a deal to purchase this marvelous property for a public park. We may never get another opportunity.

Eric Morey, Woodacre

A Shoe-In

A well-written article (“Sole Man,” Jan. 23). This story was very informative and inspiring. Shows that dreams, they can come true.

Precila, Via Bohemian.com

How They Suffered!

Consider the impact the gov’t shutdown must have had on the First Family, struggling to exist behind the White House fence: no pedicures, no manicures, no massages, no hair and makeup, no valet, no one to flip hamburgers, no one to empty the Oval Office wastebasket. Barron painfully cut off from his family. No one to walk the pets—oh, no pets, just Pence. OK, no one to pet Pence.

Neil Davis, Sebastopol

Life, Liberty, etc.

The next time some clown you know waxes eloquent about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, ask him whatever happened to the Nez Perce. And the Crow, Blackfoot, Shoshoni, Flathead, Chopunnish and the Ootlashoots. Ask him about the Paiute, Sioux, Apache, Comanche and the Iroquois. Ask to tell you about Captain Jack, Chief Joseph, Geronimo, Tecumseh and Sitting Bull. Ask him what happened to Custer. Ask him about the Yakima, Osage, Pomo, Miwok, Ohlone, Cayuse, Omaha and Cheyenne. Ask him about Fort Benton and Fort Mandan. And Gen. Sheridan. Go ahead, ask him.

Craig J. Corsini, San Rafael


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music in the park, psychedelic furs
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