
music in the park, psychedelic furs


Please step down, Mrs. President.

An Open Letter to Ivanka Trump

Dear Ivanka: I would first like to start by saying I have read your books and think you’re an articulate young lady for the most part, at least when talking about yourself.

I find it to be extremely unprofessional for a president to need his young daughter pandering to him and acting in any official capacity, especially as a self-described unpaid staffer. This relegates you to little more than a glorified intern.

Your family has lived in a bubble. Your background as wealthy business people does not make you more more qualified to lead the country; it makes you less qualified. You have no idea what the needs are for working-class people, and it is extremely doubtful you have a clue how to meet those needs.

The Trump family does not know the struggles of working-class families and their needs because they’ve never had to consider them. It is highly unlikely you’ve taken time to speak to any of the people who cook your food or clean your toilets. You truly are out-of-touch with any real-world problems or people, and that alone disqualifies all of you from the jobs you currently hold.

Finally, from mother to mother, I have to ask why, if you are such an advocate for mothers and women, you have not stated any opinions regarding your father’s choice to exit the Paris Accord, allowing oil, coal and pollutant-creating companies to run amok while not looking at the big picture of climate change. I understand it is scary and inconvenient for those that profit from causing it, but the reality is, global warming does not discriminate. You cannot breathe money.

I would use your role as “advisor” to do quite a bit more advocacy in this area. I would then encourage you to take a much-needed step down from your role of “advisor” or in any position in the White House. As a tax-paying citizen of this country, I have not approved it and do not feel you to be qualified.

Your father should follow suit in his role for the same reasons.

Bianca May

Rohnert Park

Pacific Sun
The Pacific Sun publishes every Wednesday, delivering 21,000 copies to 520 locations throughout Marin County.


  1. Bianca May, I read the WH is having difficulty hiring staff lately. Perhaps send them a resume. I used to call the WH when O was in there and a nice lady would answer the phone. Now it doesn’t even go to a machine…


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music in the park, psychedelic furs
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