.Letter: ‘Our fellow human beings’

A humane solution

Let’s review your comments about Hugo and move him out of the Zero column and into the Hero column [Hero and Zero, Sept. 2]. Hugo attends practically every meeting on homelessness at the city, county and soon, potentially state and federal level. He is searching for a humane solution to the issue of our fellow human beings living on the street.

You admonish him to “try using his time to help homeless people, rather than banish them.” He is working to help them. Hugo is daily, actively searching for a solution to house and to help the homeless rather than see them living on the streets. I could go on and on about the problem in San Rafael. That is known and covered. What Hugo is doing is holding our politicians’ feet to the fire so they can’t just give lip service to the problem. His presence at every meeting and his communication with the Gerstle Park Group gives me hope that someday a solution will be found.

Anne Pearson

Pacific Sun
The Pacific Sun publishes every Wednesday, delivering 21,000 copies to 520 locations throughout Marin County.


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