.I Can’t Go There

BTom Gogola used great fortitude in maintaining objectivity as he described the tightrope straddled by Republican Fred Schein in a substantial article “Log Cabin Fervor”  (May 29, 2019) Earlier, Schein admits, “it is lonely being a Gay Republican.”

Curiosity held my attention as I try to understand the seeming contradiction. Humm. Schein touched on Republican supported economic needs of small business and boasts of Young Republicans; college students at Berkeley, Davis and Sonoma State, saying: “they can shoot.”

I read with a nondiscrimination effort the difference between Democrats and Republicans while I process the current strangeness of our country in the hands of a showman. I appreciate that we should all be treated equal and Schein’s effort is heartfelt, but I cannot cross the party chasm.

Penny Hansen

More to See

I like downtown Novato, too (“Civic Cutie,” May 29, 2019). Check out the new Open Cures at 823 B Grant and the Friends of the Marin County Free Library’s Book Place at 1608 Grant Avenue.

Diane Rosenberger
Via PacificSun.com

Stop it, Please

I read in the SF Chronicle the Trump Administration plans to allow medical staff in the nation to deny treatment to lesbians, gays, bisexual or transgender patients because of religious or moral beliefs held by the health care workers; thus allowing doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, emergency medical technicians, even receptionists to deny care. I thought of my late wonderful lesbian cousin, Denise, who lived in a rural county whose only hospital was religious based, and I wonder if they would have helped her with her ovarian cancer.

So, I turned immediately to Stevie Wonder vinyl and his 1976 “Songs in the Key of Life,”’ put on side one, cut one and listened to:

“Good morn or evening fiends

Here’s your friendly announcer

I have serious news to pass on to every-body

Could mean the world’s disaster

Could change your joy laughter to tears and pain.

“It’s that

Love’s in need of love today

Don’t delay

Send yours in right away

Hate’s goin’ round

Breaking many hearts

Stop it please

Before it’s gone too far.”

That’s only the first few bars in this remarkable song and album. One wonders how cruel Trump and his staff are willing to go—my bad, we’ve already seen that in their taking babies from refugee parents while sending the parents back to Central America and keeping their children here in cages.

Robert D. Bock
San Rafael 

Pacific Sun
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