In honor of our annual Heroes of Marin edition, we’re scrapping the Zero this week. First, we have Françoise, who took a bad tumble on some uneven pavement in the Larkspur Ferry parking lot. A kind gentleman exiting the ferry helped her stand up and guided her to a bench near the gate. Seeing her cuts and bruises, he asked a crew member walking by for assistance. That crew member fetched another, who arrived with ointment and bandages. Crew member 2 treated her injuries, escorted her to a seat on the boat and requested that crew member 3 bring ice for the swelling and watch over Françoise during the crossing. Once the ferry was underway, the captain stopped by to ensure that she was comfortable and to offer his help disembarking. Françoise extends her gratitude to the team of heroes that aided her on her journey.
With all the mishegoss in the federal government right now and the important measures and propositions on our ballot, we must get off our tushes to vote on Tuesday, Nov. 6. Marin couldn’t make it any easier for a registered voter.
Choose from three options:
1) Vote by mail—just get that ballot postmarked by or on Election Day.
2) Vote at the poll. Personally, we love that patriotic feeling of walking into our polling place on Election Day, casting our ballot and receiving the red-white-and-blue “I VOTED” sticker.
3) Early voting. Can’t wait to vote? Marin County’s got an early voting system all lined up. Just walk in to the Elections Department at the Marin County Civic Center, now through Election Day, Monday through Friday, 8am to 4:30pm. If you need a lift to the polls, catch a free ride with Uber on Nov. 6. If you’re not sure you’re registered? Call 415.473.6456 or visit the county website. Not registered? Do it at
Got a Hero or a Zero? Please send submissions to ni***************@ya***.com. Toss roses, hurl stones with more Heroes and Zeroes at
Do you still have endorsements for the election?