.Hero & Zero


A Mill Valley crossing guard who works near Tam High attempted to supplement his income by recruiting human trafficking victims over social media in Marin. Nathaniel Coleman, 33, of Marin City, allegedly tried to groom an undercover detective with the Marin County Major Crimes Task Force to work for him as a prostitute.

The undercover detective engaged in conversations with Coleman for days while the Major Crimes Task Force worked to confirm his identity. Last week, task force detectives surveilled Coleman at a location in Marin City where he expected to meet the undercover detective to begin trafficking her. Marin County Sheriff’s deputies moved in and arrested the suspect for pandering, and based on items found on him, possession of marijuana for sale. Double whammy.

Kudos to the Marin County Major Crimes Task Force for getting the crossing guard off the street. If you have information about this ongoing investigation, call 800.369.4694.


Why am I almost out of toilet paper? It’s not because I didn’t try to buy my typical supply of two-ply. There’s a ridiculous run on paper products in Marin and the store shelves are empty. I realize a ship full of folks infected with the Coronavirus was sitting in the Bay and the thought of the virus so close to us is disturbing. Still, that doesn’t mean you need to hoard TP.

May I suggest you purchase a few extra rolls and call it a day? My tush thanks you.

Let’s move on to Purell. Yesterday, I went to Target in Marin City and asked a clerk if they had hand sanitizer.

“Wipes or liquid?” she asked.


“No. We’re all out.”

People, I implore you to stop stockpiling. And, if you have a surplus of Charmin or a spare package of Purell, call me.

email: [email protected]
Nikki Silverstein
Nikki Silverstein is an award-winning journalist who has written for the Pacific Sun since 2005. She escaped Florida after college and now lives in Sausalito with her Chiweenie and an assortment of foster dogs. Send news tips to [email protected].


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