by Nikki Silverstein
Hero: It’s no fun to sit in traffic on Tiburon Boulevard during commute times. When school is in session, there are 65 percent more cars on the road in the morning. That congestion is the driving force behind the Yellow School Bus Challenge 2.0, a program to put more kids on the school bus to help reduce gridlock. The program provides half-price bus passes for Reed School Union District students and faster travel times with more buses, new routes and campus-specific buses. During the one-year pilot program, the town of Tiburon and city of Belvedere will subsidize the fares through existed reserves. Kudos to a community taking action to solve the traffic problem. Parents, the success of the program relies on you to sign up.
Zero: Almost everyone understands that a dog park is an area where dogs roam off-leash to play and poop. Then, we have the four Mensa members that believe the Sausalito Dog Park makes the perfect picnic place. With a few dogs in tow, they walked past a sign stating that food is prohibited, piled into the park with their pabulum and took over a table. Other pooches ran to join the party and one jumped onto the table to serve himself lunch. That poor pup was forcibly thrown to the ground by the picnickers. At least six people pointed out the no-food policy and asked the family to pack up, but they refused and stayed for almost two hours. Their justification? They didn’t see the signs.
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