
50 Years Ago

I also had the opportunity to sit in on a White House briefing by Press Secretary Ziegler. It was interesting to see Ziegler parrying the difficult questions of the veterans of the Washington press, in view of the fact that he got his start in public relations work with the Republican Caucus in the Legislature in 1961, which your correspondent then headed. Zeigler handled himself with aplomb and good humor and yet was firm when it came time to switch subjects. —John Busterud, May 7–May 13, 1969

30 Years Ago

A ban on oil drilling off Point Reyes was approved by the White House, according to Congresswoman Barbra Boxer. The area is targeted to become the Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary.

—Newsgram, Steve McNamara, Week of May 5–May 11, 1989

20 Years Ago

In the eerie wake of the Columbine High tragedy, a 17-year-old San Rafael High senior was arrested after admitting to publishing a Web site that listed students and teachers he wanted to kill. The suspect, whose identity was not released due to his age, was charged with making terrorist threats. Peers familiar with the situation say he was just fooling around. School officials are not: The perp received a five-day suspension, after which he’ll be on extended leave pending an expulsion hearing.—Mike Thomas, Newsgram, May 5– May 11, 1999

Pacific Sun
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