by Bob Heinen
Great journalism, community involvement, a forum for sharing ideas. That’s what we do here at the Pacific Sun.
We bring readers, business owners, thought leaders, activists and nonprofits together to make Marin a special place to live.
If you are like most of us, you would love a job that allows you to do well while doing good. We are looking for smart, creative market managers/new business developers to help expand our coverage. We have more prospects than we can handle with our current team of great marketers.
Your career at the Sun will be rewarding beyond a potentially lucrative income. You’ll have the opportunity to support a wonderful community resource by sharing our stories with business owners who wish to connect with a strong and loyal reader base.
Come speak with us. We are the Pacific Sun. Your future.
Sounds interesting. Where can we get additional information?
Neither an email nor phone number was given. Contact info please?
Please give me a call at the Pacific Sun 415 487-6700 x315 or you can email me at bh*****@pa********.com.
“Potentially lucrative” usually means doing something for free. If you are hiring someone why dont you post the salary?