.Open Letter to PG&E

music in the park, psychedelic furs

PG&E, three little letters with a whole lot of power. Well, here’s three little letters for you: WTF? You try living without power or gas for 4 or 5 nights at a stretch and tell me what letters come up for you.

I want to know why this company can’t shut off, and more importantly, turn on power quickly and timely? Where is the money from your considerable profits going ($1.6 billion from one quarter in 2017!)? It surely hasn’t gone into maintaining and replacing your infrastructure and equipment. Surely hasn’t gone into your improving service to customers. So where’s the money gone besides the pockets of your executives and shareholders? How much of our money goes to lobbyists and PR-peddlers in Sacramento working on PG&E’s behalf?

These aren’t rhetorical questions: I’d really like to know.

And what I’d also like to know is who designed and devised the in-contiguity of your service grids? There seems to be no discernible pattern. What gives with that?

PG&E has had decades to prepare for weather-related events, improve service for its dependent customers and troubleshoot likely future events. It has failed mightily and has proven its ineptitude in the power business. Proof of this is their financial failure.

PG&E has no business being in the power business. May the fickle finger of fate find its way to your backdoor.

*This is not directed at the myriad workers who do the labor and the management for the company. This is to the top brass of this failed corporation and those that have gotten fat off it, which includes the shareholders.

Will Shonbrun,

Boyes Springs

Pacific Sun
The Pacific Sun publishes every Wednesday, delivering 21,000 copies to 520 locations throughout Marin County.


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music in the park, psychedelic furs
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