.Movie Phone

Hey, I’ve been reading the Pacific Sun for many decades, at least 40 years, loyally every week. I never miss it. And I’m extremely upset. This is the second time lately that you have had no movie listing (Our Feb. 26 issue). The first time was during the Christmas holidays around then. And I thought, well, maybe the person who did the movies is on vacation. I don’t know what the reason is this week. Mmm.

A lot of people buy the Pacific Sun for the movie listing and when it’s not there, it leaves a big hole in the week. And it’s extremely upsetting. And, um, I used to do a lot of work in politics and they say for every one person that writes a letter that speaks for 300 who just don’t get it together to write the letter. So for every one person that picks up the phone and calls, I’m sure that speaks for at least 300 people who go, what the bleep? Where’s the movie listings? Please bring them back.

Hopefully it was just a mercury-retrograde glitch. Um, that’s astrology. That’s the other thing that, um, it’s a favorite, but at least the astrology was there this week. But please, we need our astrology and our movies. Thank you. Bye.

— Anonymous caller

Editor’s note: No one actually buys the Pacific Sun, it’s free each and every week!

Public Art Call

The San Anselmo Arts Commission is hosting a Utility Box Public Art Project. The theme is “Black & White plus One Color” of the artist’s choice. Artists must live or work in Marin County. Priority will be given to Ross Valley artists (San Anselmo, Fairfax, Ross).

Deadline for applications is April 30, 2020. For complete Prospectus & Application go to sananselmoarts.org/paintbox.

San Anselmo Arts Commission

Pacific Sun
The Pacific Sun publishes every Wednesday, delivering 21,000 copies to 520 locations throughout Marin County.


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