.M-M-M-My Corona

Pandemic parodies

music in the park, psychedelic furs

It was inevitable that the Knack’s 1979 classic track, “My Sharona,” would catch corona and go viral as a song satire. Though pop-parody godfather Weird Al scrupulously avoided the notion (“Yeah, no, sorry. Not gonna do ‘My Corona,’” he tweeted when petitioned by fans to cover the song), others have risen (or sunk?) to the occasion.

Eric W. Baker of Papa Bakes currently leads the YouTube charts with his band’s take, which features the revised lyric, “Ooh my little deadly one, my deadly one, symptoms don’t show up for some time, Corona … M-M-M-My Corona!” It’s worth a spin, not least of which for the video’s classic ’80s white cyclorama set (which sounds much fancier when written than it actually is). Good or bad taste? Probably no more unpalatable than the Mexican lager the band sips throughout the vid. I’ll let you guess which one.

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While we’re kicking around pandemic puns consider this: Though National Novel Writing Month (a.k.a NaNoWriMo) isn’t until November, it’s probably high time to dust of the manuscript moldering in your desk drawer and hunker down for CoroNaNoWriMo. Instead of taking a month to write 50,000 words, you can use your Corona-enforced downtime to write your own version of the Never Ending Story. 

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When solo, I’m the alpha male in the movie unspooling in my own mind. But amongst the urban canyons of our empty streets, I am now the Omega Man. In other words, I’m the last man on earth until I have to get six feet away from the other last men on earth in the grocery store. 

During the fires last fall, I acquired a fashionably black N-95 mask that matches my sartorial uniform of dark blazers and boots. It pushes my look from “casual sophisticate” to “calculating psychopath” in about three seconds. Needless to say, I’m no longer the one stepping aside in the wine aisle. Thus far, I’ve only been bested for a bottle by a gent dressed as a Plague Doctor—beaky mask, black hat, cloak and all. Dude earned that $8 bottle of pinot so far as I’m concerned. Moreover, his creepy presence suggests it’s time to update our slogan— #SonomaStrong suited the esprit de corps of our community during the fires but this moment is entirely weirder—#SonomaStrange is more apt. Alas, someone is already squatting the domain name (I had to check). 

Naturally, #SonomaStrange merch, like “My Corona,” is inevitable. Tag your #SonomaStrange pics on Instagram and I’ll compile a “Corona Casual” virtual fashion show at Bohemian.com. Remember, fellow dystopian fashionistas—you’re not alone. You’re … fabulous.

Interim Editor Daedalus Howell is quarantined online at DaedalusHowell.com.

Daedalus Howellhttps://dhowell.com
North Bay Bohemian editor Daedalus Howell publishes the weekly Substack newsletter and podcast Press Pass. He is the writer-director of Werewolf Serenade. More info at dhowell.com.


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music in the park, psychedelic furs
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