.Letter: ‘There is so much I cherish about this formerly wonderful town…’

music in the park, psychedelic furs

Sorry, not sorry

If you will kindly allow me to do so, I would like to explain my rant of last week [“Self-assuming assholes,” Letters, May 8] without using unnecessary curse words. I wrote the previous letter after a week of trying to negotiate Mill Valley traffic with its now maddening, aggressive behavior. Middle fingers and honky soccer moms abide. Twice I had to give up my chores halfway down Blithedale and head back home. I cannot imagine any REAL Mill Valley residents not being fed up with this shit—I mean crap. I mean untoward behavior.

(PLEASE TAKE NOTE: If you’ve been here less than 15 years, you are not a real resident and are therefore excluded from comment. You may be the enemy. Shut up).

I remember Peter Coyote’s relentless efforts to save the devastation he saw coming. I also recall policy-makers at that time feigning concern and reacting by promising to tackle the problem with $300,000 ‘study groups.’ Study this, you son of a …

Oops. Sorry.

I ended my previous rant with “Good Riddance, Mill Valley” and I am sorry I did. There is so much I cherish about this formerly wonderful town and there are still those amazingly special folks that made the magic happen to begin with and are still holding the threads together. I can’t name them all, so I will just refer to them, if I may, as the deLones. No other family exemplifies the spirit better.

NOTE TO PLANNING COMMISSION: I have just concluded a personally funded $22.67 study group and have determined that your self-important body is unnecessary, detrimental to society and no longer welcome. Good riddance to that!

John Cross, Marin County

Pacific Sun
The Pacific Sun publishes every Wednesday, delivering 21,000 copies to 520 locations throughout Marin County.


  1. I lived in Mill Valley in the late 70’s, apartments on Gomez. You could drive from there to 101 in a matter of minutes. Now at any time during the day 7am to 5pm it is a long slow frustrating journey. Has Mill Valley increased in population that much? How many more homes have they crammed into the hillsides? The county of Marin spent something like 1/2 million dollars to study why traffic on 101 is becoming a nightmare and all they came back with is “traffic on the 101 is on par with the rest of the bay area.” Great my 101 traffic is now getting as bad a East Bay traffic. I could of saved Marin the money and told the county that. Brother, I feel your frustration and it’s not much better in San Rafael!


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music in the park, psychedelic furs
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