.Letter: ‘One would have to be a complete moron to not know that …’

The glory klunkerz

Referring to mountain bikers who ride fast as “rogues” or “bad apples” means that Joe Breeze, Charlie Kelly, et al, are all bad apples and rogue bikers. One would have to be a complete moron to not know that cycling is more fun when you ride fast, both on and off road, as I do. Mountain biking is all about thrills related to speed.

Just accept the fact that an activity whose main appeal is the thrill of speed will never be compatible with other users on public trails or even protection roads. Not to mention the clanking of chains and howling brakes to really annoy other users. A small point, perhaps, but the speed of mountain bikers means an increased number of encounters per unit time, making the parkland experience seem rather more like downtown San Francisco.

Do you ever hear of “rogue” hikers, whose speed endangers or disrupts other users? It’s like mountain bikers have brainwashed land managers and the press.

Carlo V. Gardin, Fairfax

Pacific Sun
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