.Letter: ‘There’s just enough tongue-in-some-cheek-somewhere in her naming yet another Jew as the Messiah …’

music in the park, psychedelic furs

More like second coming of Harold Hill …

Surely Ms. Silverstein jests, or is sorely mistook, in her “accolladations” of Assemblyman Marc Levine and his head-grabbing line of a three-lane Richmond bridge. There’s just enough tongue-in-some-cheek-somewhere in her naming yet another Jew as the Messiah, especially in attesting to a politician’s sexual prowess in a first or second coming. As if watching a car accident happen in slow motion, we can take the time to read betwixt the lines and say to oneself, in desolate sarcasm, “Wow, what an inCREDible … uh … who were we talking about?”

That paragraph alone will not help us withstand the test of desperation of someone despised by his own political party. So let us note with great fanfair Levine’s penchant for light fare upon the highways—tunnel renamings, GG Bridge defendings, and now this. It is rather fitting that he thus continuing his career as a traveling salesman, trudging between here and Sacto doing the bidding of anyone who will “pay” him back. One wonders if he’ll rename I-80 “The Big Ag Thruway.”

Impressively Yours,

Jonathan Frieman, San Rafael

Pacific Sun
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music in the park, psychedelic furs
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