.Letter: ‘Back pain plagues as many as 80 percent of Americans.’

Bad poetry on good chiropractic

In addition to his failed poetry and ignorant sarcasm [‘What is the Sound of One Knuckle Cracking?’ A Poem, March 20], the author provides no useful information in his letter to the editor, read by your well-informed readers. This is truly unfortunate. Back pain plagues as many as 80 percent of Americans. A 2011 report, cited by Dr. Oz on his television program, found that chiropractic therapy is just as effective as over-the-counter pain relievers for back pain. Many, many people are helped by the unique talents and dedicated work of the well-trained chiropractor. They fill an irreplaceable and necessary option in the medical profession with their strong emphasis on natural therapies and alternatives to pills and surgery. They truly help individuals to restore their health!

An anonymous advocate of chiropractic care, Novato

Pacific Sun
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  1. I know people who have had back pain helped by chiropractors. However, the whole theory of chiropracty, that all disease can be cured by back manipulation, is totally crackpot.


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