.Horoscope: What’s Your Sign?

Week of February 6 -- February 13, 2015

by Leona Moon

ARIES (March 21 – April 19) Knock knock, Aries! Who’s there? Your best friend from third grade. You may have been wondering if there is a reason you two never rekindled your friendship after that epic fight on the tetherball court—now’s not the time for questions. Just let Mercury retrograde work its magic and enjoy time with an old friend on Feb. 8.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20) Why is your old co-worker from Dairy Queen endorsing you on LinkedIn, Taurus? Well, he or she has a job opportunity waiting for you! It turns out the kindness you bestowed by covering a few shifts will end up paying off. A job offer is on its way on Feb. 10—it could bring big bucks!

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20) You could use some super glue, Gemini. Mercury, your ruling planet, is in retrograde and has you leaving your most cherished items all over. It would behoove you to invest in a purse (or murse) to keep watch over your keepsakes. Otherwise, you might lose your keys and that one-of-a-kind, vintage Bart Simpson keychain.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22) Can you say “tax season,” Cancer? A giant refund check would be nice right about now. Money has been a little tight and Mercury in retrograde isn’t helping. Keep your frugal game face on until Feb. 11. Mercury will finally go direct and you’re overdue for a reward. Go to Farmshop for a cocktail and call it a day.

LEO (July 23 – Aug. 22) What were you thinking, Leo? Yeah, everyone else is asking themselves that question about your latest life-altering decision, too. Avoid a headache and wait to make any major decisions until Feb. 12. If you really want to cancel your cable and go all Netflix, it can wait until Mercury goes direct.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) This isn’t a game of Operation, Virgo—it’s the real deal! You might find yourself laid up on the operating table ASAP. Going in for a routine appointment might lead anywhere from an amputation to wisdom teeth removal. You might want to wait until Mercury goes direct on Feb. 11 to schedule an appointment so you don’t end up in a morgue.

LIBRA (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)  Ever wonder what your first kiss from sixth grade is up to, Libra? Question no more—it’s time for the ultimate reunion. Sleeping Beauty didn’t just wake up for true love’s first kiss for nothing. It looks like Mercury is bringing you a little passion with a former flame. Now’s the time to make it work and give it a final try.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Trying to get ahold of someone, Scorpio? If you’ve been trying to solidify a job offer or a renting contract, but with little luck, you can thank dearest Mercury. Communication has been off. Do you best to harness your most patient self and then start your day off on Feb. 11 with a follow-up email that hath no fury.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Tired of waking up to the same vista every morning, Sagittarius? You’re a mutable sign—change is good and you know it. It might be time to pack up and set sail on a new adventure. A change of scenery, new roomies and an unchartered watering hole might do your soul-searching some good.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Don’t remember buying an annual pass to Disneyland, Capricorn? Looks like someone got ahold of your credit card number. Mercury went retrograde in your house of finances so keep a watchful eye over all-things money. Review your bank statement line-by-line on Feb. 6 to avoid any double charges.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Something sure is brewing under the surface, Aquarius! You may feel like the world is your oyster and you’re ready to shuck the shell, but hit pause for a second. Mercury is still in retrograde—and in your sign of all things! You might be approached with unparalleled freelance opportunities or offered an all-paid vacation to Cabo, but don’t sign on any line until Feb. 11. Then, enjoy some tequila shooters.

PISCES (Feb. 19 – March 20) Need a new computer, Pisces? Well, hold on a second! If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of techy goods breaking around you, find comfort in knowing that it’s not just you. That being said, you have to wait to make a move and a purchase until Feb. 12. Try visiting a library if you need to update your Facebook status. Remember those?

Pacific Sun
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