.Horoscope: What’s Your Sign?

Week of Jan. 30 -- Feb. 5, 2015

music in the park, psychedelic furs

by Leona Moon

ARIES (March 21 – April 19) Are you wearing your feelings on your sleeve, Aries? If your dolled-up face and crisp work blazer are any indication, we’d have to say yes. Confidence is your middle name on Feb. 3—the new moon in fellow sun sign, Leo, will brighten up your day for some bold lovin’.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20) Did someone say “daddy issues,” Taurus? Don’t take it personally. The stars are here to strike up a conversation with some speed bumps from your past. Mercury in retrograde typically stirs up issues from the past, and this time it might have something to do with D-A-D, or a father figure. Do your best to handle emotionally exhausting situations with tact.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20) Talk it out, Gemini! You’ve got a lot to say and it’s time to get it off of your chest. The full moon in Leo on Feb. 3 is going to help you emotionally vomit with the help of carefree reassurance from the stars. There’s no time to wonder; don’t give it a second thought—talk before you think!

CANCER (June 21 – July 22) You’re turning green, Cancer. Nope, it’s not the stomach flu—you’re full to the brim with jealousy. Mercury in retrograde might be causing a few hiccups with you and your dearest darling. Do your best to let past quarrels stay in the past and don’t let a past lover come between you and your flame—that’s just what he or she would want.

LEO (July 23 – Aug. 22) Get ready for your close-up, Leo! The full moon is in your sign on Feb. 3—marking the calendar with a cheat day while Mercury is in retrograde. Communication has been off, but the full moon will help you air all of your grievances and future award-winning ideas all the same.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Shot through the heart, Virgo! And Neptune’s to blame—this Feb. 1, love’s gettin’ a bad name. You’ll be blinded by love all day, which is all fuzzy and sweet to a certain extent, but it might have you making googly-eyes at an incompatible match. Mr. or Miss Wrong might saunter his or her way into your life, thanks to Neptune’s mysteriously illusive power. Keep a strong game face!

LIBRA (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Sticks and stones may break bones, but your words are even more awful, Libra! Think before you speak—people have feelings! You might be used to brushing off a few backhanded compliments, but on Jan. 31 you’ll be dishing some out. A few so riddled with passive-aggressive disses, your friends might avoid you for a few weeks. So think before you tell your friend how you really feel about his or her podcast.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Who keeps ringing your doorbell and running away, Scorpio? A secret admirer—duh. With Valentine’s Day around the corner and Venus teaming up with Mars in Pisces, your allure is at an all-time high. You could walk out of the house with toilet paper stuck to a pair of Teva sandals and, remarkably, you’d still have a handful of love interests. Take advantage—swipe right!

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Check yourself before you wreck yourself, Sagittarius! Your brain is teeming with a slew of latest ideas and you can’t wait to share with anyone who will listen. Unfortunately, the clerk at CVS doesn’t care that you’ve decided to go for an M.F.A. instead of an M.B.A. Props for making some life-altering decisions, but don’t sign any papers until Mercury is out of retrograde!

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Dust off your knee pads—you’re proposing, Capricorn! The full moon on Feb. 3 is going to make it a little harder to maintain your ever-so-cool practical air and will channel your outspoken side. You won’t be able to let things slip on by—if you’ve got a loved one, you’re putting a ring on it!

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Check your notifications, Aquarius! Did you just become Facebook official? The Feb. 3 full moon in your seventh house of partnerships is taking things to the next level with your beloved. If you’re not accepting a relationship request, you might be moving in together. Nothing is too soon with this full moon that is sure to make you swoon. Love is in the air, after all.

PISCES (Feb. 19 – March 20) Don’t answer the door, Pisces! A toxic ex-partner will be a-knockin’ come Feb. 5. It’s likely that he or she will not get the memo or leave quietly. Power in numbers—it might be best to stay glued to your BFF’s hip during the few days before and after Feb. 5. Blocking him or her on Facebook and deleting his or her cell number might be your only option.

Pacific Sun
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