By Nikki Silverstein
Hero: Spring is abloom and Annie Spiegelman, the Pacific Sun’s own Dirt Diva, and Anita Jones are busy at Marin Oaks High School in Novato teaching students to grow vegetables, fruit trees and flowers that attract pollinators. With the mission close to their hearts, they’ve typically opened their wallets and paid for the plants themselves during their five years of volunteering. This season, enter Chip Young at Pini’s Ace Hardware in Novato, who recently donated a gift card valued at several hundred dollars to the program. Thank you heroes Chip, Annie and Anita for your substantial contributions to Marin Oaks High School and for enabling the bees, hummingbirds, butterflies and other important pollinators to alight on the new plants from Pini’s Ace Hardware. May they grow, bear fruit and blossom.