by Nikki Silverstein
HERO: You know that sick sensation in your stomach when you lose something valuable? Diana Dring of Corte Madera felt it strong and sure when she lost a half carat diamond earring that once belonged to her beloved grandmother. Knowing that it fell off on Tamalpais Avenue near the rec center, Diana searched the area for 30 minutes. Darkness fell and she retrieved a flashlight from her home and returned to the sidewalk to hunt for her sentimental treasure. Four passersby saw her on hands and knees scouring the pavement and immediately offered to help. Success. A volunteer found the earring, which had bounced several feet away. In her elation, Diana didn’t get the names of her new friends, but she asked us to thank you profusely.
ZERO: Hey, lead foot, we didn’t install the median barrier on the Golden Gate Bridge to make you feel safe enough to use the span as your personal racetrack. The California Highway Patrol reports that average speeds on the bridge have increased substantially since the barrier appeared. Last week, a driver was ticketed for zooming past a radar gun doing 81 mph. Folks, simmer down and ease up on that gas pedal, because the CHP is continuing a crackdown on speeders on the bridge and the Waldo Grade. Quick review: The speed limit on the Golden Gate Bridge is 45 mph. Watch for the signs, because it reduces to 35 mph, and then down to 25 mph when you reach and drive through the toll plaza.