by Nikki Silverstein
Hero: We recently asked folks to donate to an emergency surgery fund for a faithful dog, Scooby, because his person lives on a limited income due to disabling spina bifida. Scooby came through the surgery last week with flying colors, but when the donations were added up, the fund was $500 short for the $2,650 bill. Out of the blue, Lois King of Fairfax, a Pacific Sun reader, called the vet’s office and asked what Scooby needed. Lois delivered $500 to the vet that very day and visited with the recovering pooch. Everyone present was touched by Lois King’s generosity and kind heart. Sweet Scooby is back at home now and requires a special prescription diet. To donate for his food, go to
Zero: A bicyclist caused another serious accident this week when he hit an 80-year-old woman as she walked on the Mill Valley bike path. The woman suffered injuries and was rushed to Marin General Hospital. Ironically, the collision occurred last Tuesday, the day before the kick-off of Share the Path, a campaign designed to promote safety. “With this public education outreach, we’re confident that people enjoying the pathway will remember that it’s used by the young, old and everyone in between,” said Marin County Parks’ Region 1 Superintendent Brian Sanford.” We’re not as confident. A 9-year-old boy was seriously injured by a cyclist last October and the bike speed limit was recently lowered from 15 to 10 mph. We recommend enforcement and steep fines for speeding cyclists.
Got a Hero or a Zero? Please send submissions to ni***************@ya***.com.