.Best Spot for Oysters, a Great View and Good Vibes

When the mood for oysters strikes, it’s impossible to ignore. Sure, it’s a specific kind of craving, but when The Marshall Store offers everything you want and so much more, there’s no reason not to indulge. 

And, as you wait for your oysters, sipping cold, refreshing beer, nothing can beat the view of sailboats bobbing peacefully in the sun-reflective waters of Tomales Bay. Something about The Marshall Store seems to whisk your worries away—it becomes impossible to let your mind linger on anything but the present moment. 

The oysters (Pacific Preston Point oysters straight from the family farm, Tomales Bay Oyster Company, to be precise) arrive, and suddenly the view melds with the flavors of the food—a feeling of connection and, dare I say, perfection overtakes as the fresh, briny delicacies disappear one by one. Together, it melds to become the quintessential memory of oysters, exactly as they should be. 

The Marshall Store is located at 19225 State Route 1, Marshall. More information is available at themarshallstore.com.


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