Hero & Zero: WildCare in San Rafael is sending out an SOS about the glue traps designed to catch rodents. Never use this Zero product. Not inside your home and definitely not outdoors. It’s advertised as a safe and non-toxic method to capture mice and rats, but the manufacturer doesn’t tell you what happens after an animal gets stuck on the adhesive paper. The eventual death caused by starvation, dehydration and suffocation takes days, and in the meantime, the poor creature will even chew off its limbs trying to escape. The traps don’t just snare rodents. Each year, WildCare’s wildlife hospital treats birds, chipmunks and other animals caught in the sticky stuff. Enough. WildCare has launched a letter-writing campaign to remove the merciless traps from store shelves throughout Marin County. Be a hero and help stop the suffering. Contact local hardware, garden and drug stores and request that they discontinue carrying the product. To download a sample letter to deliver to your neighborhood retailers, visit discoverwildcare.org and search for “glue traps.” While you’re on the site, learn about the many humane methods of rodent control.