.Your Letters, 1/17

Twisted Mister

Shortly the U.S. Supreme Court will rule whether or not an American president can be prosecuted for alleged crimes committed while in office. It is my hope that the justices and especially the “strict originalists” take note that though we greet them with “Your Honors,” a president is addressed simply as Mister.

The Founding Fathers apparently wanted to make clear that a president is nothing like a king. He’s just an ordinary citizen who for four years may have been given some special responsibilities but who is nonetheless subject to all the laws of the land just as they apply to the rest of us.

Seems to me Mister Trump has already been granted extraordinary latitude. Were you or I to face a fraction of those charges leveled against Mister Trump, we’d be awaiting trial in a cell—no bail, no possibility of parole. Our passports would be under lock and key as well. And what would happen to us were we to regularly, publicly and often obscenely insult the presiding judge and for good measure, slander his clerk?

I hope The Supremes do not see this repeat offender as a “unique” litigant entitled to special favors, and that he will be known to them only as Mister Trump—until such time as he is obliged to give up his name for a number provided by the Federal Penitentiary in Lompoc.

Martin Blinder, MD

San Anselmo


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