.Your Letters, 4/26

Price of Justice

As Roy Wood has aptly expressed, if one is going to purchase a Supreme Court justice, why would one expend resources on luxury vessels and lavish air travel on Judge Thomas when Judge Kavanaugh can be had for a bottle of Jager and a Southwest boarding pass? Boarding group B, please.

Craig J. Corsini

San Rafael

High Stakes

I would be much more willing to coexist with Christians if they did not have a nearly 2,000 year bloody history of burning, conquering and slaughtering people who were not Christian, and even many Christians as well.

I still remember being burned at the stake in a past life. Then, “Live and let live,” indeed!

P.S. There were many pagan saviors/sons of a virgin mother/goddess with ritualized deaths and subsequent resurrections, like some of the forms of Zeus, such as Marnas.

Barbara Daugherty

Santa Rosa


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