.Letters to the Editor: Pt Reyes Ranching and Pianos

Pt. Reyes Ranching

Theresa Harlan’s story (News, May 5) of government betrayal of Indians at Pt. Reyes and Tomales Bay is only part of the shameful Pt Reyes story. Jared Huffman’s statement about ranching on the coast being “part of our DNA” is a disgrace on many levels.

Huffman and other politicians worked quietly to again extend the sweetheart leases of the 24 white ranchers and their 5000+ cows whose legacy has been polluted water and air, destruction of native plants, birds and mammals (including tule elk) in OUR iconic National Park.

Over 90% of the public has made it clear for the past 30 years that we don’t want private businesses at Pt. Reyes. A much lower impact oyster operation was closed down a couple of years ago, but not the dairies. How do we get to Deb Haaland to shut down this cow-shXX show once and for all?

Nancy Hair, Sebastopol

Pianos, Yeah!

Charlie Swanson’s story, “Pianos, Man” (Arts & Ideas, May 12), about the 45 “Pianos of Petaluma,” was fun, inspiring and uplifting—in a kinda “Keep Petaluma Weird” sort of way. I only wish the exhibit could have been started before the Trumpvirus hit so that more visitors could enjoy and buy the pianos, especially to help the trestle come back to life!

How cool would it be if one fine summer or fall evening some of those pianos were lined up, say on Water Street, and a Flash Mob of pianists (including Petaluma Pete, of course) were to take their place at the keyboards and play. Singers and other instruments welcome.

I think that would meet with universal approval with art/music lovers, unlike the hideous, 20-legged “A Fine Balance” bathtub monstrosity the Petaluma Arts Committee is trying to litter Water Street with.

Bob Canning, Petaluma

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