.Mark Fernquest

Jun 20, 2023

Yuka Yu Rocks

Marin-based Yuka Yu is a DJ with a worldwide palette, and with good reason: Music and culture run through her veins. Born in Taiwan in...
Tamales Saloon - Mark Fernquest
Aug 3, 2022

Best Place to Eat, Drink and Be Merry

One of a handful of delightfully tiny towns found along coastal Highway 1, Tomales possesses its own beauty and charm. Located three miles inland...

Best Place to Reverse Aging

I’m not a hippie—actually, who am I fooling, of course I am—but Bolinas always will be the place to be for me. I know...

Best Place for Colossal Bay Squid Watching

Not long ago, I braved the high cost of gas, drove down to Belvedere Tiburon and parked at Lyford’s Stone Tower, an unassuming, if...
Aug 3, 2022

The Best Romantic Boat ride Angel Island-Tiburon Ferry

Marin is a special place, gifted with many magical locations of almost surreal beauty. Count Angel Island among them. And of all the journeys...
May 18, 2022

Art For Ukraine: Sausalito Art Festival fundraiser

We live in interesting times. War is in the news, and it’s cause for concern. Twelve weeks into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, cities lie...
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Mar 9, 2022

Holy Cripes — Coffee Confessions

Confession: I drink cold coffee. Not the expensive hipster cold-pressed stuff, either—that isn’t confession-worthy. No, I make my own pourover in the morning and...
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Mar 2, 2022

Residential Renaissance — Alternative Architecture in the North Bay

Zome is where the heart is I’m standing in a Zome, in an empty lot behind a warehouse across the river from downtown Petaluma. The...